Stone Family Photo Album 4
1.Uncle Be[----?] Stone. V=”Uncle Benonia Stone”
2. Aunt Catherine Stone v = “Aunt Catherine” 3. Moses Curtis. V = “Moses Curtes” Kirby & Co. Carbondale Pennsylvania 4. Mary Curtis, Grandma White’s mother v=Mary Curtis, Grandma White’s mother” G B Chase, Scranton Pennsylvania 5. Delia Miller. V=”Delia Miller. Mary’s” Kirby & Co. Carbondale Pennsylvania 6. Norman Miller v=”Norman Miller. Mary’s” Kirby & Co. Carbondale Pennsylvania 7. Horace Miller. V=Whipple, Boston 8. Alice Miller. V=”Alice Miller. Mary’s” Kirby & Co. Carbondale Pennsylvania Choose from Stone Photo Album p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 All photographs images © 2010-2018 Lorine McGinnis Schulze. Some rights reserved. The photographs may be saved for your personal use but they may not be published or reproduced elsewhere, either online or off, without my written permission.